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Struggling to pay your tax this month ?


Struggling to pay your tax this month ?

If you are unable to pay all or some of your personal tax that falls due at the end of the month then you can set up a payment plan online providing…


·        you owe £30,000 or less

·        you do not have any other payment plans or debts with HMRC

·        your tax returns are up to date

·        it’s less than 60 days after the payment deadline     

A payment plan can be set up here  set up a payment plan online.

If you are not eligible for the above reasons or cannot use the online service then you should give them a call on Telephone: 0300 200 3822 Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm (closed on bank holidays).

We would recommend that this is done as soon as possible.

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New HMRC Tool – check what registering for VAT may mean for your business